On January 1st at the stroke of midnight, after wishing My loved ones I very emphatically told them that I've claimed 2023 as the Year of Makalism.
My intentions were to spend the year focusing on promoting and expanding on My own personal philosophies of Makalism and sharing them with others so that hopefully they too might be able to gain some insights and techniques that could help them become better versions of themselves.
I knew there would be pushback and derision, and I had mentally prepared Myself for that.
However, little did I know that this year would go in a totally different direction, and I would face and conquer insurmountable personal challenges.
Before the first week of the new year was over, I hit a new level of rock bottom and was closer to ending My life than I had ever been before.
It seemed I had just started to bounce back from that, before the next blow came.
2023 saw Me almost lose 2 people that I love more than anything.
It had Me almost destroy relationships that are very precious to Me, and above all else, it made Me acknowledge and confront some long held, deep seeded issues within Myself.
2023 was a very challenging year to put it mildly, but it was also a year that made Me immeasurably stronger and hopefully a bit wiser.
The following are some of the insights that I gained this year. Some are new, while others were known but long forgotten and buried under layers of self doubt and self hatred:
We are stronger than we realize
Love is always enough
Love doesn't make things easier, it makes us stronger
The people who truly love you will always stay by you, no matter how much you try and push them away
Where there is life, there is hope
Love is the STRONGEST Power in the Universe
There is always another level to rock bottom
When you think you can't go on any more, dig a little deeper and you'll find that you can
Live for yourself and not based on other people's expectations
Allow people to be who they are
When you truly love someone, you need to love them just the way they are
You are your own biggest critic
You are your own biggest saboteur
Your happiness doesn't depend on others
Your self worth doesn't depend on other people's perception of you
Life is precious and much shorter than we realize
Make the most of each moment
Don't wait for life to get better before you start living it to the fullest
Kindness is a superpower
Forgiveness is a superpower
Gratitude manifests miracles
The more you love, the more love you are given to love with
Laughter makes everything better
Dark humor is therapeutic
Don't take yourself too seriously
Make decisions based on your gut, not based on your mind or emotions
Always go with your gut
I am a Fucking Warrior
I am surrounded by Fucking Warriors
I am enough
Letting go doesn't mean loving less
Be authentic
As long as we are alive, we continue to find opportunities to learn
We know much less than we thought we know
Where there is Light, there is darkness
Where there is darkness, there is Light
There is a difference between darkness and negativity
You can have more than one Soulmate
Soulmates aren't always romantic partners
Twin Flames exist
True love is selfless
Don't listen to the voice in your head
Loving yourself is a necessity
If you don't take care of yourself you can't help those you love
With great Power comes great responsibility
A life without challenges doesn't help you grow
Mental and emotional pain is worse than physical pain
Love is a gift that keeps on giving
We are all worthy of love
There are 2 reasons why I chose this image to accompany this post
It was taken by the man because of whom I am alive today, and
It purrfectly conveys who I am at this stage of My life.
After a long and arduous journey, here I am...
An overweight, middle-aged Woman, who is perfectly imperfect and beautifully broken.
I stopped trying to "find" Myself, and instead have worked hard to create the person I am today, a person who is worthy of love, who is so much stronger than she was at the start of the year, who knows that Her journey will never be easy, but it will always be worth it, someone who is finally comfortable in Her own skin, and who above all else, is unabashedly and unapologetically Herself.
I don't know what 2024 has in store for Me, but it's gonna be one hell of a ride, that's for sure!
What I DO know without an iota of doubt, is that no matter what comes My way, I will ALWAYS come out stronger and victorious.
Because I AM a Fucking Warrior.
I am enough.