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Writer's picturemistressmakali

The Universe Never Fails To Deliver

I’m a Woman of the world.

In My 44 years I have lived in various continents....seen many things... and done even more. Although I’m well educated I always believe that I got My real education from life itself.

I have been in love. I have had My heart broken. I have trusted implicitly. I have been deceived by those closest to Me. I have soared on the highest planes of bliss...and fallen into the darkest pits of despair...hitting rock bottom and wondering if I would ever be able to stand back up....or if I even wanted to make the effort.

I have been loved and cherished...pampered and coddled. I have been physically, mentally and emotionally abused. I have been blessed with beloved companionship. I have experienced heart wrenching and gut aching devastating loss.

Through all these twists and turns...highs and lows...I discovered something about Myself. I’m a strong Woman. My strength lies not in being fearless...but in moving forward and picking Myself up in spite of the fear. I have not allowed a single dark moment to rob from Me, My childlike sense of wonder and My absolute belief in love.

I believe we have more than one soul mate. I have found My soul mate in someone very close to a friend...and in more than one animal companion over the years. But I had never found a romantic soul mate. I’ve been in relationships in the past...some lasted much longer than others, but something was always missing. That elusive sense of belonging...of coming home from a long arduous journey to your safe haven.

So I went searching.

I went on random dates fixed up by well meaning friends..... I took a deep breath and plunged into the murky waters of Internet dating. I had fun dates....bad dates...weird dates...and blah dates that were soon forgotten. I made some friends along the way, but still never found that elusive 'one' that I was yearning for.

So I decided to be more assertive in My search and made a specific list of characteristics I was looking for in a My romantic soul mate. I even posted that list on a popular site thinking (and somewhat hoping) that maybe by some random chance the person I’m looking for will read it and feel it resonates within him.

Well, of course I didn't find him...nor did he find Me.

A year passed by.

I had given up on My active search and was getting on with My life. Enjoying all aspects of it...the ups and downs...highs and lows. I had finally reached a place of acceptance towards many of the situations and curve balls that life threw My way, and found happiness and more importantly...peace.

And then a random message on a random website changed My life forever. I had been on Fetlife for a while and was focusing on making My presence known more as a Pro Domme than as a Lifestyle Mistress, but was still always open to communicating with those who were curious, or needed someone to talk to...and that’s how I came to reply to a message in My overflowing mailbox by someone who called himself bobbafett.

Right from the start I found him respectful, authentic and very very curious. Highly intelligent and with a great sense of humor, he still managed to finally get on My nerves with his unending supply of questions.

So after sending a short and terse message saying he asks too many questions, I took a decision not to communicate with him any further. Next thing I know, we are chatting on Fetlife, and shortly after that we have exchanged numbers and are pulling all nighters on Whatsapp.

We eventually decided to meet in person, and I made it VERY clear that although I may be open to the possibility of training him, I would never see him in any sort of romantic way...because frankly he just wasn't My type. I’m sure the Gods and Goddesses must have been laughing.

Somewhere in the midst of a turbulent and tempestuous journey of training him, and learning more about Myself in the process, I fell in love with him. There were no fireworks. There was no BIG moment of discovery...instead it was something that happened so naturally breathing. He has been one of My biggest challenges as a Domme...and one of My greatest accomplishments. He is My brat. He is My voice of reason. He is one who can move Me to tears with his loving ways...and bring tears of frustration to My eyes with his dumbassery. He is My confidant. He is My lover who takes Me to heights of pleasure I have never known before. He is My safe haven when I need a respite from the world. He is My bitch who kneels before Me and submits to Me wholeheartedly. He is the one who wipes My tears away. He is the one who makes Me laugh until My belly aches. He is the one who unequivocally accepts Me just the way I am. He is My man. He is My soul mate.

Exactly one year after I had first made that list of characteristics, I came across it ...saved as a draft on one of My email accounts. I had long forgotten about it and as I read it once again, I got goosebumps. He ticked off each and every one of those boxes. The Universe may take its own time...but it never fails to deliver.

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