I know the fact that I repeatedly make it clear I'm not a Pro Domme and yet still charge for sessions is a contradiction to some and confusing to others. So let Me clear it up once and for all. Firstly My views and philosophies on Femdom and BDSM are completely My own. I don't speak for anyone else and I don't expect anyone to match My views.
If they do, that's great but if not then that's fine too, and there are plenty of other people in the scene that you can connect with. That's one of the things I love best about this community, the fact that there is no ONE way of doing anything.
Everyone has their own kinks and their own interpretation of what BDSM and Femdom is to them. I'm not here to debate or convert anyone to My way. Nor am I here to make excuses or apologies for who I am and what My beliefs are. I'm just here to share MY thoughts with the world and to educate subs enough so that they make wiser choices and can prevent themselves from being scammed or worse. So WHY do I charge ? 1. People don't value what comes easy When I first came out in public, I gave subs a lot of leeway. I would spend a lot of time talking to them about their kinks etc and even offered them the opportunity to serve Me WITHOUT monetarily compensating Me.
And you know what I found ?
The ones who I spent the most time with and who begged to serve Me without paying, ended up acting just as entitled if not more, than the ones who pay and expect Dommes to cater to them.
It was ALL about them. Never about Me. How can THEIR fantasies be fulfilled. What can I do to make them "feel" satisfied. They felt that the very act of them worshipping My Feet or cleaning My home was a gift THEY were bestowing on Me.
But that's not how it works.
Yes, the act of choosing to surrender and serve a Domme is a sacred and beautiful thing, but just participating in kinks that get YOU off without even once feeling grateful or privileged for the opportunity makes you far from submissive and ends up making you look like an entitled twat. 2. I should be compensated for My time Domination takes time. Whether online or real time, it takes preparation and hard work. Its not all "fuck you, pay Me".
There is gear to maintain, content to be created and edited, new skills to learn and old skills to brush up on.
In other words, the hours I spend being Mistress Makali is time that can be spent doing something else that would be productive and making Me money. 3. Serving Me is a privilege and a luxury Just because you consider yourself to be submissive or call yourself a slave, does not entitle you in any way, shape or form to receive attention or get dominated by a Domme.
I've lost count on how many men on sites like Fetlife and earlier Collarspace would hound Dommes and flood their mailboxes with messages all about themselves and what THEY want.
Most of them don't even bother to even read the Domme's profile and see what SHE'S into. Serving Me is an experience. Its not a commercial transaction like picking up a burger at your favorite fast food joint.
I don't have a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to My sessions. I value the fact that EACH sub is different and My sessions reflect that in the creativity and care I bring to each one.
I often joke and say that serving Me is the equivalent of dining in a Michelin Star restaurant.
It may not happen very often or be attained very easily, but it will DEFINITELY be a memorable experience! 4. I love money and I adore being pampered Yes, I love money.
After having started earning My own pocket money when I was just a kid, to starting My first full time job at 17, I KNOW the value of money and appreciate all that it entails.
I've always been old school and have never gone dutch on a date. Not because I couldn't afford to pay My way, but because that's just how I personally preferred to do things.
But there's more.